Thursday, November 27, 2008


I am starting this entry late Thanksgiving night. My Thanksgiving was spent with one of my roommate's families who drove from AZ to spend it with us and cook us dinner. In addition, a second roommate's friend is visiting. For dinner our city director and his wife and two neighborhood families were with us. We had about 20 people. Part of our Thanksgiving was sharing what are we thankful for this year. As I thought, I realized I am thankful for simple things that are often taken for granted. Things like shelter, clothes, food. I am also thankful for friends who are like family to me, both here in LA and in other various places. In reflecting more personally with a friend, I am grateful for the amazing people that I have around me, supporting me, whether financially, emotionally (written or verbally), spiritually. For those of you who challenge me to continually be stepping out of my comfort zone, I say thanks for you. For those who are giving of there own finances to allow me to test my call and expand both the love of Christ and my own understand of Christ I say thank you. For those who create a safe space for me to wrestle and ask hard sometimes uncomfortable questions I say thank you.
In the midst of seeking healing and battling depression, it is good to focus on the many gifts in my life. While I can't say I am thankful for the hard times, I am grateful for the ways they have shaped me, given me my passions, values and compassion. I am reminded of Job who after losing all material goods says 'the Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord." As we enter the Christmas season, it is my prayer that our focus will be on anticipation of the coming of Christ. The God of the universe entering the world as a dependent, humble babe. Peace to you all

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