Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hard Times

This last week has been a challenge. Fortunately life is good with my housemates and in ministry. Personally, I have been battling depression. For those who don't know, this has been going on since I was a teen. It is not a continious thing, but rather a moment by moment. I am blessed that through DOOR I have a great support system in my city director, the board, my housemates and the church. On the 9th of this month was the 5 year anniversary of my mom passing. I suspect that is what triggered my depression. Even in the midst of the negativity, I see God's beauty. For our time as a community, we choose to go to Griffith Park and have our time there. I was surrounded by God's creation and its beauty. On some level I was overwhelmed with God's love being shown through creation. It also brought to the front some personal struggles, but I am grateful none the less. Today, I was blessed to visit a potential future agency with my city director. I was impressed by the organization and their focus not only within their specific clientelle, but also in serving the community that they are located. I have visited and participated in similar agencies, yet none had an aspect of community outreach. This encouraged me in a way I can't explain right now. I was also reminded of an idea from this summer: everyone is rich and everyone is poor. You might be rich in resources but lacking in interpersonal relationshps, whereas I might be rich in interpersonal relationships, but lacking in resources. As I type, I am realizing how much this was lived out in the early church. I am learning that in sharing where am I at both emotionally and spritually allows me to not only to be served more effectively (one of key ideas) but also to serve as my true needs are being met.

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